Sunday, September 2, 2007

Year end drought ends - Victory for Cindy

A beautiful day at the lake was enjoyed by the Lisle Hearts club as we had 4 full tables battling for the right to take home the trophy. Despite the crazy driving accusations, the unfrosted chocolate eclair cake and the recent flooded lake, everyone appeared to have a good time as we shared food, drink and cards. Although Steve got to spend his birthday with the club (with a beautiful "pool" birthday cake decorated by Kelsey), there was no victory to be had by the birthday boy.

Cindy overcame the distraction of the late arriving crowd (what time does this 11:00 party begin?) to dominant the final table of Toni (hey, I shoot the moon, I deserve to be here), Beth and Mike. Cindy ended her year long victory drought (7/2006) and moved into sole possession of 5th place in total victories. Congratulations Cindy.

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